Over at Fountain Pen Network I met 777, who repairs Esties. He's restored the pen, including working out most of the scratch marks and gouges, and sent me these pics. I can't wait to actually see it and give it a try (before it goes on to someone else), the blue is really beautiful.
Journals and notebooks, fine papers and pens, inks and their ilks, a few other things, and the occasional rant
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Esterbrook Dollar Pen
Over at Fountain Pen Network I met 777, who repairs Esties. He's restored the pen, including working out most of the scratch marks and gouges, and sent me these pics. I can't wait to actually see it and give it a try (before it goes on to someone else), the blue is really beautiful.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Staples OXO Good Grip Ballpoint Pens
Twist the pen and two things happen: the tip descends so you can write and the pen clip disappears. The pen cannot be clipped to your pocket while the refill is engaged, so there's no chance for an oil-based ink disaster (and no need for a pocket protector, unless that's your look).
The pen is hefty, no slim Hi-Tec-C here, and easy to grip (the whole point of OXO). I like the overall design and hand-feel of this pen, if you're looking for some additions to your line-up you might want to give these a try.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Staples OXO Good Grips Permanent Markers
The OXO line for Staples is as nicely designed as their housewares and garden tools, and many of their office supplies are on sale so that was an added incentive to pick up some pens. As I'm out of markers, I grabbed a set of retractable permanent markers in assorted colors to test out.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
A Musical Ferris Wheel
Triangle Factory Fire 100th Anniversary

The women in the factory were locked into their 9th floor work are by owner, to discourage theft. Surrounded by yards of cotton fabrics, combustible dust, and open buckets of oil used to grease the machinery, when the spark ignited it took only a few moments to build into an inferno.
One point worth noting: when unions were formed for better wages and work conditions (not an easy task in itself), they were men's unions. Women had to form their own unions, and they were understandably angry that men didn't see them as a part of the struggle for safe working conditions and decent wages. My grandmother was a member of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union, founded to advance the cause of women garment workers such as those who jumped out of the windows of the Triangle Factory on March 25, 1911.

Mary Floresta
26 years old
Lived at 570 E. 13th Street
Died March 15, 1911
Triangle Factory Fire
Friday, March 25, 2011
Friday Reading Round the Net
OfficeSupplyGeek is running a giveaway, enter to win a Giant Paper Clip Wall Hook.
Ink Nouveau shows off the Pilot Iroshizuku inks and pens available at Goulet Pens.
The King's Pen at Nancy Olson, Ink
Check out Claire Cameron's Notebook(blog) for some amazing notebook graphics (Moleskine Volant, looks like)
I like Rotring, especially their fountain pens, so here's a very thorough review of the Rotring Rapid Pro Mechanical Pencil at Dave's Mechanical Pencils.
In case you missed National Puppy Day, The Finer Things has a round up of cute canine gifts.
Pantone Chip Magnets at How About Orange, a really great DIY project.
Tom at Goldspot Pens Blog asks: an iPad 2 or a fountain pen?
Tiger Pens Blog highlights the Vat19.com's inkless metal pen.
Ink Nouveau shows off the Pilot Iroshizuku inks and pens available at Goulet Pens.
The King's Pen at Nancy Olson, Ink
Check out Claire Cameron's Notebook(blog) for some amazing notebook graphics (Moleskine Volant, looks like)
I like Rotring, especially their fountain pens, so here's a very thorough review of the Rotring Rapid Pro Mechanical Pencil at Dave's Mechanical Pencils.
In case you missed National Puppy Day, The Finer Things has a round up of cute canine gifts.
Pantone Chip Magnets at How About Orange, a really great DIY project.
Tom at Goldspot Pens Blog asks: an iPad 2 or a fountain pen?
Tiger Pens Blog highlights the Vat19.com's inkless metal pen.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Petite Lap Giraffes
A farm specializing in petite lap giraffes. Wonder if they're house trained and get along with cats? :)
Franklin-Christoph M27 Fountain Pen

The pen can take cartridges or a converter, which comes with it. One interesting part of the pen was the blind cap, which you don't see much on modern fountain pens. This makes the M27 into a pseudo-vacuum filler, twisting the end of the converter to draw up ink. As I prefer to see my converter fill, I tend to just take the barrel off the section. But you don't have to with the M27, which makes it an even more intriguing pen.
Whether buying from the Stockroom or the regular sales area, the pen comes with a lifetime guaranty. Shipping is quite fast, and they respond quickly to emails and tweets. It's a great pen store to browse and buy, definitely take a look sometime.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Field Notes Steno Book
As I understand it, the Gregg system of stenography, which became the standard taught in almost all US public schools by the early 1900s, had a line in the middle because when taking dictation it was easier to lift your pencil from the middle of the line than from the end. So shorthand used two columns, rather than the entire page.
The paper is Finch Paper Opaque Smooth 70# "Bright White" which really doesn't seem that bright. It's great for gel ink and oil based ink, not so good with fountain pens (a touch of bleedthrough), and obviously works well with a pencil. I like the old-fashionedness of this notepad and the quality of the design. Definitely consider adding one of these in your next order.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Vintage Fountain Pens from the Flea Market
The Annex on 25th Street between 6th & 7th Avenues has about 75 dealers or more crammed into the ground and 2nd floors of a parking garage that is closed on weekends. This particular flea market has lots of vintage watches, costume jewelry, furniture, stamps, clothing--but I've never seen any pens.
I decided to go over today and just wander around, when suddenly the pens started popping up like mushrooms. My haul, from top to bottom:
Black Sheaffer Touchdown Craftsman with a 14kt #33 nib;
Pink and red marbled Wearever lever fill;
Blue Esterbrook dollar pen with a 2778 nib;
Pink marbled Waterman 3V.
The total came out to $90, or $22.50 a pen--decent but not a steal. But the vendors have to pay rent too, so I'm not going to complain. I have pens that I want in my collection, although none of these work and they'll be going off to various people for general repairs and more specialized work (the clip on the 3V has had it, that's not brass it's rust and re-plating will be necessary).
I'm hoping in the next few months, at the most by September, that I'll have them all restored and writing up a storm. For now, I just enjoy looking at them and feeling lucky that I even found them at the Annex. There were a few more I looked at but wasn't sure about, so perhaps next weekend I'll head back.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Maruman Mnemosyne Project Holder
The 188 is my favorite size at 5.8 by 8.3, similar to the wonderful Rhodia Bloc No. 16 notepad. The Project Holder is made of study yet very flexible black vinyl/plastic, and the outside carries the gold Mnemosyne embossed logo.
Inside it has a side pocket and also a slit for business cards or post-its or whatnot. The notepad is on the right, and fits snugly into the top slit. Other notepads will also fit into this, which is great as I'm not sure I always want a Mnemosyne gridded pad to write on.
It's sleek and elegant, a great way to carry your Mnemosyne notepad. It's a bit pricey at JetPens, which in itself interesting: usually Kinokuniya's items are higher than JetPens, as the former has a very large bricks and mortar store on 40th Street and 6th Avenue so overhead adds a lot to the cost. But this 188 Project Holder was almost $10 less at Kinokuniya than at JetPens. Not sure why that would be, but it could be a matter of a simple "oops--wrong number."
If you are thinking of purchasing a distinctive-looking padfolio, the Maruman Mnemosyne Project Holder in either size (medium or larger) is something to consider.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Zebra Lafleche Scented Ink Pens
Trying out the blueberry and chestnut on a Mnemosyne notepad, I found the ink flowed well with no skipping. The 0.7mm tip seems wider, and I liked the dark blueberry and chestnut brown colors. I don't know how long the scent and taste last, but long enough to be noticeable in my bookbag.
Finally, the pen design is quite interesting. The barrel of the pen is round, but the cap is square so it won't roll off onto the floor. I liked that a lot, and hope Zebra incorporates this design into a few more pens that aren't quite as noticeable.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Pilot Custom 74 Pencil
The pen is actually a Pilot Custom 74 pencil, with a plunger system that pushes the lead out of the steel cartridge.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Pen & Pencil Pics from Kinokuniya
Friday, March 11, 2011
March 2011 Carnival
A little late, but I just realized I hadn't checked in on the March 2011 Carnival of Pen, Pencil and Paper hosted this month by travisthetrout of Notes in a Book. Many great links, stop by and take a look.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Zebra Sarasa Clip 0.5mm Gel Ink Pen

I have different Zebra Sarasa gel ink pens in use, but didn't see the Clip until a few days ago in a stationery store looking for something different. Once I tried it I was very taken by it, particularly with the clip design which is rounded and substantial and has a definite mechanism that pushes down to open. Not a thin rectangle of hard plastic, which I tend to break sliding a fingernail under it to pull it open. Or else idly playing with it until it breaks off, something I do too often with my pens. This clip looks like it's rugged enough for even my destructive tendencies.
What really caught my attention was the enormous choice of colors, including my all-time favorite blue black ink. The Sarasa's gel ink flows smoothly and cleanly, and the 0.5mm tip is just the width I like when writing with a non-fountain pen. These elements and the detailing on the clip (which for some reason reminds me of a school emblem) makes this an attractive pen as well as a practical one.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Cats With Thumbs
One step closer to having my three fix dinner for me.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Notemaker's Think Offline Contest

Update: reposted as there doesn't seem to be a problem with international entries.
Notemaker is having a contest with the theme "Think Offline" and a grand prize of a year's worth of Rhodia goodies. Every entry (and I mailed mine already!) will receive a prize.
Take a look and send an entry. Just keep in mind that if you're mailing from the US, this is going to Australia so you can't use the "Forever" stamp (international mail requires an amount be shown on the stamp, and the Forever stamps have no value marked on them).
Post-It Laptop Note Dispenser
Need to write a quick note but can't find paper or a yellow sticky? This should help: a Post-It Laptop Note Dispenser, available at Staples and Office Max and likely your local office supply shop.
The three-pack of dispensers (black, pink, green) comes with the accordion-style Post-It Notes that fit inside. The back of the dispenser is coated with a super-sticky adhesive that can be removed and re-applied with no loss of "stickability" and no tacky substance on your laptop.
The design is actually quite simple, something akin to making an envelope with a slit. DIYers will have to come up with an adhesive that doesn't leave marks and remains suitably fresh for re-use, but I imagine there is some compound out there. The best alternative might be to just buy a few packs of these, since they work on refrigerators and other surfaces where you are most likely to need to make a note but don't have a pad handy.
My only thought as I attached this to my MacBook was that I'll need to write a note reminding myself it's there!
Monday, March 7, 2011
The LI Pen Show Haul
From left to right:
Parker Duofold Vacumatic pen and matching pencil, from 1940 third quarter
Esterbrook copper icicle, with my 1551 nib
Cross Townsend with a medium nib
Parker Vacumatic azure/blue debutante.
The one not pictured is the Sheaffer Balance with a #5 nib I bought from Robin Zorn that's on its way to my brother.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Pictures from the Long Island Pen Show
There was a dealer there (to the far left but not shown in this picture), set up on the blue tablecloth, with hand-made pens that reminded me of Edison Pen Co.'s Hudson--and some of them were clear demonstrators that were beautiful.
What she didn't know is that the guy in the chair was buying a nib so Richard worked over the the other pens the guy had with him--5 or 6, actually. Then two guys on the sheet ahead of me decided they didn't want to go when they were called, and then came back on line right in front of me. I was finally invited to take a seat around 1 pm.
As I'm sitting there learning that I'm putting too much pressure on the nib and that's why it feels scratchy, two guys right behind me start raising their voices a bit and making lots of noise. They had agreed to switch places so one guy could go look at more pens, but after wandering around he then changed his mind and wanted his old place in line back. The guy who had gone from #18 to #12 and was right after me said no. I paid my bill, grabbed my pens, and ran. This was all over sitting in Richard Binder's guest chair, by the way.
One of the tables of dealers at the show. I bought several pens, including a Parker Vacumatic azure debutante in excellent condition.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Uni-ball Signo DX Emerald Green Gel Ink Pen

I've used Uni-ball Signos in the past and liked them, favoring the 0.5mm tip more than any other. But when I saw this Signo at Kinokuniya I had to pick one up even though it's a 0.38mm tip, because of the distinctive emerald green color of the pen and the ink.
The color, which is found on the cap and plastic end "jewel" as well as the rubber grip, is beautiful. I have very few green pens, and only one fountain pen ink in green, and they are more in the grass-leaf-pine tree category of a darker, truer green. This emerald green has just a touch more yellow to it, giving it a refreshingly bright tone.
As with the rest of the Signo line, this pen is a joy to write with as the ink doesn't skip or smear. The line is a tad thinner than I would like, but if I want the color I'll have to take what I can get. Interestingly, JetPens only stocks this color in the 0.28mm size. But if you like bright green ink and a thinner line, you'll definitely want to try one of these.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My First Notemaker Haul

My first order from Australian retailer Notemaker just arrived, thought I'd post a pic of the journals. You can also follow them on Twitter @NoteMakerTweets.
Top right is the limited edition Raven's Wing from Field Notes; bottom left is an Archie Grand "Secret Agents I Met and Liked" blank notebook (120 pages, 4.5x6.5); and finally, top left is an MMMG ivory "Draw Your Mind" blank notbook (96 pages, 5.75x8.25).
At the bottom right is the card they sent with it, which looks very much like the cards libraries used to keep track of due dates. FYI, shipping from Oz to US is $30. But it was worth it (and I had a slight overage in the budget this month that wanted a Southern Cross trip).
6th Annual Coffee & Tea Festival
In the lobby at 7 W. 34th Street, which was packed with people 30 minutes before the 11:00 am opening.
First stop on the way into the space was Tavalon Tea, which looked inviting. The tea and its presentation is top notch, just one little problem for me--many of the teas contain sunflower, which I found to be on the bitter side and didn't like. I really tried to like several of their blends, but that sunflower got in the way.
The lady in white is Kim of Tea Classics/Hancha Tea. She spent an insane amount of time helping me find the right tea, which turned out to be a Cassia tisane. It's a combination of strong and bold, which I was looking for in a hot drink. I've actually seen this in several cafes, now that I've become more interested in tea and recognize names.
Finally, this had to be my favorite table of the whole show: Red Bee Honey. A pure, artisinal honey, they offered about a dozen different (and delicious) honey flavors, including orange blossom, apple blossom, raspberry, sweet gallberry, clover, and many more. Seeing the honey in wine glasses was a lot of fun, we could smell them and compare their colors without messing up fingers. I came home with three bottles, and Red Bee will be one definite reason to attend again next year.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Uni-ball Laknock 0.7mm Bright Blue
A few weeks ago, while roaming the pen section at Kinokuniya, I saw these Uni-ball Laknocks in an assortment of bright colors and decided to try this blue one. The pictures don't really capture the sky-blue color of the pen, although the above is pretty close.
This Laknock is a 0.7mm ballpoint, and has a finer line than you would expect for that width due to the oil-based ink. No skipping, smudging, blobbing that I could see, but really it was all about the color.
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