I recently purchased an Exacompta Basics silver edged journal with a dark green faux-calfskin
Madeira cover (which really does have a leather-like feel to it). I wanted the paper journal and got the cover at a discount, so it worked out well for both parties. I've been meaning to sample the 100g off-white paper that is great for fountain pen use. But as I've already started some other journals for different purposes, what do I do with this one? I'd write the Great American Novel, but then I'd have to figure out what that was exactly. And it would have to be
this America and not some Alt-America, so no vampires, werewolves, pixies, or witches. Which leads me ponder The Great Gatsby as a zombie love story--except that aren't zombies by their nature second acts? Could they drive a car? And wouldn't it be "East Brain" rather than Egg? Some days I have a hard time focusing--is it noticeable?
Back to paper. The journal is a Basic that measures 5.5 by 8.25 and is lined. Now that I look closer, the lines are a lot wider than I've seen in other journals, mostly the Japanese ones I've been using lately and I'm thinking I can get out my Rotring 900 broad cursive italic and have a lot of fun letting the wide nib go where it wants. Another thing I like about this journal is the multi-colored ribbon, not black but red, gold, and green. Karma chameleon, anyone? (Underneath the journal is one of my favorite Rhodia notepads, the yellow lined and stapled No. 19.) Journals and notebooks/pads everywhere, we'll have to have a giveaway soon.