Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Serial Comma Was Good Enough For My Mother

The University of Oxford Writing and Style Guide has advised writers to avoid using the serial/Oxford comma. I may need to lie down.


  1. This "Oxford"...their native language?

  2. I just can't give up the serial comma.

    I love the way it adds pause, suggests uniformity,,,,,,,,,and allows me to write the same way I always have.

  3. Aw-w-w-w, I dunno! My English sees full stops and pauses of various gradients. Think about, well---nuance. I really do need a way of translating "measure" into symbols, such as commas. But, well, if, y'know, uh, Oxford . . . . Jack/Youngstown

  4. I find the serial comma adds clarity and strength to the sentence and the idea being expresse, which may be why it is no longer in use. But DD you put it vey well, Oxford dons writ in which language?

  5. Lol. I was taught to write without the serial comma (I guess that makes me Proper English, Yo) so my writing style won't change at all! Next they'll be campaigning to get rid of the dot dot dot....
